Showing posts with label Jam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jam. Show all posts

October 4, 2011


Pineapple Jam

I have never ever in my life made a jam on my own. I ahve seen several times when my mom used to make. I decided i will see what the reuslt is after trying to make pineapple jam. You wont believe it!. the home-made jam is ten times better than the market bought one. and even more smoother :)..

Ingredients :

Pineapple - 1 chopped (deseeded and skin removed)
Sugar - 1/2 cup (adjust sweetness according to the pineapple's taste)
Cinnamon Powder - a pinch
Nutmeg Powder - a pinch


Clean pineapple well. Then once chopped, put into blender and blend roughly like 2-3 pulses. I kept few pieces inside as i love having fresh fruit pieces inside the jam. Then add in the puree and sugar in a pan and heat. Keep stirring still you get a thick consistency of a jam. Cool properly and store  in a sterlized bottle. (To sterliize, clean bottle properly with hot water and dry out and no water should remain inside the bottle)

How to test if the jam is done:
Keep a plate in a freezer for a min or so. Pour a big drop of jam onto the cold plate and with your finger mark a line between the jam. You will the jam wrinkles in between. Alternatively you can slant the plate and see if the jam runs down. If it doesnt run down that means its done.

Neetz ;)


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