Showing posts with label Pudding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pudding. Show all posts

February 16, 2010


Bread pudding w/0 egg


I know its a bit late to upload valentine special dish... As I was saying got too busy here and I actually didnt get time to upload my recipe :(... The recipe was told to me by my aunt :)Its very easy and its made in pressure cooker and without egg within mins :)
so here goes the recipe to all Valentine special couples.

Bread - around 13-15 slices (baugette bread would be best)
Milk - 2 cups
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp

For the Caramel :
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Water - 2 tbsp

Preparation :
Tear the bread roughly into small pieces and and soak it in the milk mixed with suagr and vanilla essence properly. Make sure the bread is smashed nicely in milk. Keep aside

Then in a pan add in water and sugar for the caramel mix. Keep stirring on low-med flame. Once the sugar is thick leave as it on flame till you get brown color mixture. Just stir the pan once in a wile if you need.

Make sure you dont try to taste the caramel with ur finger. U will get burned very badly!!!

Once you get the brown color melted sugar, pour evenly in a pressure cooker pan and the on top of that put the bread mixture around and sprad with spoon evenly.

Cover the pan with aluminium foil and make holes randomly to keep the steam going through it. Pour sufficient water in pressure cooker and then put in the pressure cooker pan and steam cook for about 20-25 mins.

Let the pudding cool down completely and then in a plate topple over the mixture and chill it in fridge. Serve chilled :)

So your bread pudding without egg is ready!!!!
Neetz ;)


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